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Check out https://vuejs.org/v2/examples/firebase.html , it handles all the offline / sync thing.
Also check https://egghead.io/courses/offline-first-progressive-web-apps-pwa-in-vue-js and these kind of workaround to preload your web page as an app.
Really interesting insights. Thanks for sharing OP. It has got me excited to be honest.
i feel 95% confident that the place i left a year ago has never tested their backups.
i tested all of them once the service got running, and i tested a few different ones 3 times in the year since we went live to make sure it was working to make sure they were all tested again.
No and no and yes.
Tubeless-ready tires and rims help, but aren’t necessary. There’s a lot of different versions of “ghetto” tubeless, and there’s always Skinny Strippers/Fatty Strippers, those have never failed me.
If you can get a good seal, you can seat the beads with a hand pump. Not likely though. You can get special tubeless floor pumps with air reservoirs, or a cheap air compressor, or just take your wheels down to the gas station/neighborhood mechanic and use their air. Worst case scenario, hit up your local MTB web forum or Facebook group and holler for help, somebody will hook you up. Best to just get a little air compressor though, you can find 3 gallon 1/2 HP units in your local want ads for cheap, and they’re handy to have for more than just bike tires.
And yeah, absolutely worth it. Besides the sealant plugging small holes, you lose a little bit of weight right where it matters most and you can run a little lower PSI for smoother ride/better traction without as much risk of a pinch flat. You improve your rolling resistance without a tube too. Go for it.
Member04/10/2019 at 6:34 am in reply to: Apple Watch helps EMTs and family locate mountain biker after unexpected fallI once ride a motorcycle and I crashed. The watch didnt register my fall. Also when I ride my motorcycle and I slipped, it register as hard fall.
But I glad my Apple Watch got this feature, I’ll never know when it happens but it’s nice it’s there when I needed
Thanks – I should have added that I set it up to not be uninstalled. It left the app but it didn’t remove the company email from the app.